Connection Problems

If you get database connection problems similar to the one below (wording does not need to be exactly the same) then you can follow these steps.

Database connection error

Select the correct option that describes your problem.

1) The computer is your only computer or ROBOTILL is also not working on the server.

If ROBOTILL was working before, then the reason is usually that SQL Server stopped running. Follow the steps to Restart SQL Server.

2) You are adding the computer to your system for the first time

If you want to connect another computer (till point or back office computer) to your server that has already ROBOTILL installed, then you should follow the ' Install on additional computer' steps. If you are having problems adding the computer, see ' Unable to connect a till'.

3) The computer stopped working after you changed the computer name of the server

If you did change the server name follow the Link to a different server steps.

4) The computer is not the server and was working before.

If it was working before, the computer is not your server and ROBOTILL is working on the server, then it is a network related error. Restart the router and the server computer and check the network.