Installing SQL Server Directly

Please Note: The ROBOTILL Wizard can install SQL Server for you. These instructions are only needed if you decide to install SQL Server yourself.

You can install one of the following editions:

  • SQL Server Express 2017
  • SQL Server Express 2019 (Recommended)
  • SQL Server Express 2022 (not recommended at this time as we haven't completed testing yet)

To find the correct install file, just google the full name from the list above depending on the version you want. Include the word 'express' in your search and make sure you download the express edition as the other editions are not free.

The instructions below are for 2017, but the installation instructions for 2019 are the same.

Select 'Custom Install'

You can select the default media location - just click 'Install'.

Select 'New SQL Server stand-alone installation ...'.

Choose the default selected features and click Next.

Important Step:
Change the Instance Name to 'ROBOTILL' and click on Next.

On the next Server Configuration Screen you can just accept the defaults and click on Next.

Important Step:
On the Database Engine Configuration screen change the Authentication Mode to Mixed Mode.

Type in a password that is at least 8 characters long and contain uppercase and lowercase and at least one number. Make sure to write down and save the password. You will need it later.

Click on Next to complete the install.

Allowing other computers to connect

If you will not be adding more computers to your system, you can skip this step and go to ' Setting up the connection and creating the database'.

Add SQL Port

You need top open port 1433 for SQL Server in Windows Firewall to allow other computers to connect remotely. If you don't know how to do this you can just run the OpenSQLPort file in the ROBOTILL program folder. You need to run it as administrator.

Enable TCP/IP

You also need to enable TCP/IP on the Server.
Go to All Apps > Microsoft SQL Server [version] > 'Sql Server Configuration Manager'.

Expand 'SQL Server Network Configuration' and select 'Protocols for ROBOTILL'.

Right Click on TCP/IP and click on Enable.

Select 'SQL Server Services' and then select 'SQL Server (ROBOTILL)'. Click on the Restart button - or you could just restart the computer.

Setting up the connection and creating the database

Start the ROBOTILL Database Setup Wizard (All Apps > ROBOTILL > ROBOTILL Database Setup).

Click 'Start Setup'. Select Main Computer (Server) and click Next.

On the next screen select 'I have installed SQL Server directly' and click on Next.

Leave the user name as 'sa' and change the Password to the password you used when installing SQL Server.

Click on Next. The Wizard will create the database.