Refunds and Exchanges


Refunds training video

You can choose to refund a specific item or a sale (all the items of the sale). From the retail or restaurant module click on the Menu button.


Click on the 'Refund Item' or 'Refund Sale' button.

Refund an Item

Refund Sale Item
  1. You can scan the item's barcode, or type in the stock code. You could also type the description. If you only type part of the description, the search screen will open with the list of items that match the partial search that you can choose from.
  2. You can choose the number of items for this product that must be refunded.
  3. The price for this item will be displayed.
  4. The price of the item (times the quantity) will be shown in the amount box. The amount can be changed if needed.
  5. You can choose if the item(s) that is being returned must be returned into stock or be discarded.
  6. The customer name and telephone number that returns to stock can be entered (optional).
  7. The reason why the stock is returned can be entered.
  8. Click on the Cash button to refund the customer cash. The electronic cash drawer will open to allow the cashier to retrieve the cash.
  9. Click on the Account button to refund the amount into the customer account. The cashier will be able to select the customer account to refund (or create a new account).
  10. Click on the Card button to refund the customers credit card. The cashier will manually need to process the refund on the card machine. ROBOTILL will ask for a refund confirmation where the cashier can enter the card number used or other information required by you.
  11. Click the 'Check' button (or the alternative 4th payment option button) to refund using that option. The refund will need to be done manually by the cashier (write a check, process a refund in paypal, etc). ROBOTILL will ask for a refund confirmation where the cashier can enter a refund reference (check number, paypal transaction ID, etc).

You can change the Check button to another payment option by following these instructions.

Refund a Sale

Refund Sale
  1. Enter the Receipt ID on the receipt to locate the sale.
  2. You could also search for the sale if the customer does not have the receipt.
  3. The details of the sale will be displayed so that you can confirm you located the correct sale.
  4. The amount will be the sale total. The amount can be changed if needed.
  5. You can choose if the item(s) that is being returned must be returned into stock or be discarded.
  6. The customer name and telephone number that returns to stock can be entered (optional).
  7. The reason why the stock is returned can be entered.
  8. Click on the Cash button to refund the customer cash. The electronic cash drawer will open to allow the cashier to retrieve the cash.
  9. Click on the Account button to refund the amount into the customer account. The cashier will be able to select the customer account to refund (or create a new account).
  10. Click on the Card button to refund the customers credit card. The cashier will manually need to process the refund on the card machine. ROBOTILL will ask for a refund confirmation where the cashier can enter the card number used or other information required by you.
  11. Click the 'Check' button (or the alternative 4th payment option button) to refund using that option. The refund will need to be done manually by the cashier (write a check, process a refund in paypal, etc). ROBOTILL will ask for a refund confirmation where the cashier can enter a refund reference (check number, paypal transaction ID, etc).

You can change the Check button to another payment option by following these instructions.

A refund does not cancel or delete a sale.

According to international accounting standards, a sale that is refunded should not be cancelled or deleted. Deleting a sale does not show how the business is faring and can raise red flags with auditors and the government tax offices.

The total number of sales will therefor not be affected by a refund. In the sales per day report, the Net sales will indicate the number of sales minus the refunds. The gross profit will also take refunds into account including whether the stock was returned or not.

Refunds will be also exported in the accounting export functionality in ROBOTILL. The accounting software will then allocate the refunds to a contra-revenue account.


When a customer wants to exchange an item, you will first need to do a refund and then do a new sale. If you do not want to refund the customer cash and you do not want to create a new customer in ROBOTILL each time a customer wants to do a refund, you could follow these instructions to make use of exchange cards.