Cash Withdraw and Cash Drop

Cash Withdraw

Cash Withdraw is when you need to withdraw cash from the drawer for example petty cash. To withdraw cash, in any POS app click on the Menu button and then 'Withdraw Cash'

Withdraw cash

The user will need to enter a reason for the cash withdraw. The amount will be deducted from the drawer and the event will be logged.

You can specify what security level is required for a cash drop in Task Security.

Cash Drop

A Cash Drop is when you want to remove some of the cash as you do not want the amount of cash in the drawer to become too much for security reasons. To do a cash drop from a POS App, click on the Menu button and then Cash Drop.

cash drop

The user will not need to enter a reason (as the reason is a cash drop to reduce the amount of cash). The amount will be deducted from the drawer and the event will be logged.

You can specify what security level is required for a cash drop in Task Security.

Imporant Note:

When doing a 'cash drop' or a 'withdraw cash' it is important to actually remove the amount of cash from the drawer. Otherwise you will have more cash in the drawer than what the system says you should have when cashing up.